Sunday, 21 November 2010


Believe in morning dusks and evenings dawns.                                                                     
Believe in warm winters and cool summers.
Believe in dew that doesn’t wet.
Believe in wind that doesn’t stir.
Believe in stars that never fade.

Believe in moments that last a lifetime.
Believe in silence that speaks volumes.
Believe in pain that doesn’t hurt.
Believe in lies that tell the truth.
Believe in endings that never end.

Believe in healing poison and peaceful war.
Believe in loud whispers and tell-tale secrets.
In strengthening weaknesses and close remoteness.
In temporary goodbyes.
In real illusions.
In safe risks.
In endless life.

Think the unthinkable,
Imagine the unimaginable,
Believe the unbelievable,
And  make it happen.

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